What advice would you give to HR leaders who are looking to improve employee retention and loyalty?
Don’t obsess over new workplace trends. Instead, focus on building the right culture that exemplifies the values of your organization. Be intentional about the culture you create and ensure employees understand how they can contribute to the broader company vision. When employees feel they are a part of something meaningful they feel a strong sense of fulfillment and belonging, leading to stronger motivation and cultivating true employee loyalty.
Also Read: HRTech Interview with Harish Krishna, Vice President WeWork Workplace
Finally, what are your thoughts on the future of employee retention, and how do you see it evolving in the coming years?
Employees are looking for stability and workplaces that offer more than just a paycheck. Nesting is just another trend that shows the importance of people strategies and new opportunities to double down on the employee experience to create a meaningful culture.
To Read More Visit: https://hrtechcube.com/hrtech-interview-with-kristen-mcgill-cpo-at-zayzoon/
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