Escalating medical and prescription costs have long been a concern for employers funding their benefits plans. As a result, plan sponsors increasingly work with medical claim auditors to doublecheck claim payments. This surge in demand for oversight and cost review has led to a substantial increase in the utilization of healthcare auditing companies as sponsors strive to manage their benefits plans more closely. Today, health plans are exponentially increasing requests for audit services as they grapple with the complexities of containing costs and gaining a detailed understanding of their claim payments.
The evolution of advanced software and systems has enhanced the efficacy of claim reviews, enabling auditors to delve deeper into the details and generate reports containing a wealth of information, effectively flagging many errors and discrepancies. When third-party administrators and pharmacy benefit managers assume control of claim administration, they often pledge error rates in the low single digits, a seemingly impressive statistic. However, as the numbers reveal, even minute error rates can translate into substantial costs for plan sponsors. As a result, flagging every mistake is helpful.
Effective care coordination is crucial in the ongoing battle to reduce healthcare costs. When providers operate independently, it is not uncommon for duplicate tests or services to be ordered, contributing to unnecessary expenses. However, with sophisticated auditing systems, redundant services can be identified and flagged, potentially resulting in refunds and improving service delivery. In addition, implementing auditors’ oversight and inquiries is often associated with more efficient delivery of services by providers, ultimately translating into improved financial performance over time.
The transformation of auditing practices has brought about a notable shift from random sampling to an approach that includes 100% audits, reviewing every claim paid. The comprehensive reports generated through these audits serve as management tools, covering every aspect and providing plan sponsors with a wealth of insights to inform decision-making and facilitate better review meetings with external processors. In the quest for effective oversight and cost containment, nothing can replace the power of having crucial facts at hand, a feat that is made possible through comprehensive auditing processes.
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